“Jak ukryć element w CSS” Kod odpowiedzi

CSS Hiddden

.classname {
    visibility: hidden;
Curious Capybara

Ukryj element za pomocą CSS


Ukryj element CSS

	display: none; // block or inline-block
	visibility: hidden; // visible

display - completely removes the element from the document
visibility - makes the block invisible on the screen
Anton Grigoriev

CSS Hide Element

.classname {
    display: none;
Mobile Star

Jak ukryć element w CSS

You can hide an element in CSS using the CSS properties
display: none or visibility: hidden .
display: none removes the entire element from the page
and mat affect the layout of the page.
visibility: hidden hides the element while keeping the space the same.
Tired Termite

Ukryj w CSS

Odd Octopus

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