“JQuery Dialalog TAK NIE” Kod odpowiedzi

JavaScript Potwierdź tak nie

var proceed = confirm("Are you sure you want to proceed?");
if (proceed) {
} else {
  //don't proceed

JQuery Alert z tak nie

    if (confirm('Are you sure ?')) {
Agreeable Angelfish

Przykład okna dialogowego potwierdzenia JQuery

    title:"Delete confirmation",
    text:"This is very dangerous, you shouldn't do it! Are you really really sure?",
    confirm: function(button) {
        alert("You just confirmed.");
    cancel: function(button) {
        alert("You aborted the operation.");
    confirmButton: "Yes I am",
    cancelButton: "No"
Ugliest Unicorn

JQuery Dialalog TAK NIE

if (confirm('Are you sure ?')) {
Pleasant Panther

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