“Zaktualizuj wersję PHP CPANEL” Kod odpowiedzi

Zaktualizuj wersję PHP CPANEL

1.Log into cPanel.
2.Navigate to MultiPHP Manager.
3.In the Set PHP Version per Domain section, use the search bar to search for your domain and then click the checkbox to the left of the domain name. (Do this for each domain that requires the same PHP version.)
4.In the top right of the Set PHP Version per Domain section, click the drop-down menu next to PHP Version and select the desired PHP version.
5.Click the Apply button to change the PHP version of each of the selected domains to the selected PHP version.

Nice Narwhal

Jak zmienić wersję PHP w CPANEL

1. Login into your Cpanel Account

2. Click the MultiPHP Manager link in the Software section of cPanel.

3. Check the box for the site or sites you wish to update.

4. Select the desired PHP Version from the drop-down menu.

5. Click the Apply button.

// This works for inmotion servers. You can follow these similar steps to get up and running on your 
PHP version. Hope this help
Naby TM

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