“Zaktualizuj wersję PHP w Laravel” Kod odpowiedzi

Wersja PHP Laravel Upgrade

// Go to your composer.json file in your project root
// Then search for the below configuration. And change 
// it to whatever version you need
Like this :
"php": "7.0.7"
or something like this :
"php": "^7.3|^8.0",

//Then run composer install
composer install

Zaktualizuj wersję PHP w Laravel

"config": {
    "platform": {
        "php": "7.0.7"
    "preferred-install": "dist",
    "optimize-autoloader": true

run composer install

Zaktualizuj wersję PHP w Laravel

"config": {
    "platform": {
        "php": "7.0.7"
    "preferred-install": "dist",
    "optimize-autoloader": true

Best way to do this is to delete your composer.lock file, changing the platform > php version in composer.json and then
run composer install
gerson ondangan

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