“kody formatu Python Strptime” Kod odpowiedzi

Strptime Python

import datetime
d =datetime.datetime.strptime("01/27/2012","%m/%d/%Y").strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
print d
launchable 720

kody formatu Python Strptime

%a	Weekday as Sun, Mon
%A	Weekday as full name as Sunday, Monday
%w	Weekday as decimal no as 0,1,2...
%d	Day of month as 01,02
%b	Months as Jan, Feb
%B	Months as January, February
%m	Months as 01,02
%y	Year without century as 11,12,13
%Y	Year with century 2011,2012
%H	24 Hours clock from 00 to 23
%I	12 Hours clock from 01 to 12
%p	AM, PM
%M	Minutes from 00 to 59
%S	Seconds from 00 to 59
%f	Microseconds 6 decimal numbers
Vast Vulture

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