“String formatu Pythona” Kod odpowiedzi

Format Python Float

>>> x = 13.949999999999999999
>>> x
>>> g = float("{:.2f}".format(x))
>>> g
>>> x == g
>>> h = round(x, 2)
>>> h
>>> x == h
Quaint Quoll

struny formatowania Pythona

Number		Format		Output   					Description
3.1415926	{:.2f}		3.14			Format float 2 decimal places
3.1415926	{:+.2f}		+3.14			Format float 2 decimal places with sign
-1	{:+.2f}				-1.00					Format float 2 decimal places with sign
2.71828	{:.0f}			3					Format float with no decimal places
5	{:0>2d}				05						Pad number with zeros (left padding, width 2)
5	{:x<4d}				5xxx					Pad number with x’s (right padding, width 4)
10	{:x<4d}				10xx					Pad number with x’s (right padding, width 4)
1000000	{:,}			1,000,000	      Number format with comma separator
0.25	{:.2%}		    25.00%	         Format percentage
1000000000	{:.2e}		1.00e+09		Exponent notation
13	{:10d}	      	    13				Right aligned (default, width 10)
13	{:<10d}				13						Left aligned (width 10)
13	{:^10d}	    		13					Center aligned (width 10)

Formatowanie w Pythonie

# There are 3 different types of formatting. 
>>> name = "John"
>>> age = 19
>>> language = "python"
>>> print(f"{name} of age {age} programs in {language}") # Commonly used.
John of age 19 programs in python
>>> print("%s of age %d programs in %s" %(name, age, language)) # %s for str(), %d for int(), %f for float().
John of age 19 programs in python
>>> print("{} of age {} programs in {}".format(name, age, language)) # Values inside .format() will be placed inside curly braces repectively when no index is specified.
John of age 19 programs in python
>>> print("{2} of age {1} programs in {0}".format(name, age, language)) # Index can be specified inside of curly braces to switch the values from .format(val1, val2, val3).
python of age 19 programs in John
Action Kamen

Python String: .Format ()

# Python string арга .format() нь мөр дэх хоосон хаалт ({}) орлуулагчийг аргументуудаараа сольдог.
# Түлхүүр үгсийг орлуулагчид заасан бол аргын харгалзах нэртэй аргументуудаар солино.

msg1 = 'Fred scored {} out of {} points.'
msg1.format(3, 10)
# => 'Fred scored 3 out of 10 points.'
msg2 = 'Fred {verb} a {adjective} {noun}.'
msg2.format(adjective='fluffy', verb='tickled', noun='hamster')
# => 'Fred tickled a fluffy hamster.'
Puzzled Porcupine

Python Format () metoda formatowania ciągów

# Python string format() method

# default(implicit) order
default_order = "{}, {} and {}".format('John','Bill','Sean')
print('\n--- Default Order ---')

# order using positional argument
positional_order = "{1}, {0} and {2}".format('John','Bill','Sean')
print('\n--- Positional Order ---')

# order using keyword argument
keyword_order = "{s}, {b} and {j}".format(j='John',b='Bill',s='Sean')
print('\n--- Keyword Order ---')

String formatu Pythona

>>> nombre = 357568.12312
>>> nombre2 = 568.568768
>>> nombre3 = -34.3432
>>> nombre4 = 23
>>> print(f'{nombre : >+20_.4f} {nombre2 : >+20_.4f}')
>>> print(f'{nombre3 : >+20_.4f} {nombre4 : >+20_.4f}')

+357_568.1231            +568.5688
     -34.3432             +23.0000
Calm Crane

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