“Pandas Sortuj według listy” Kod odpowiedzi

Python Sort DataFrame według listy

# sorts the dataframe so resulting order of ColumnName matches order in list
df = df.set_index(ColumnName).reindex(list_to_sort_by).reset_index()
Tough Tuatara

Pandas Sortuj według listy

# Convert Tm-column to category and in set the sorter as categories hierarchy
# Youc could also do both lines in one just appending the cat.set_categories()
df.Tm = df.Tm.astype("category")
df.Tm.cat.set_categories(sorter, inplace=True)

0    CHH
1    VAN
2    TOT
3    OKC
4    DAL
Name: Tm, dtype: category
Categories (38, object): [TOT < ATL < BOS < BRK ... UTA < VAN < WAS < WSB]

df.sort_values(["Tm"])  ## 'sort' changed to 'sort_values'
   Age   G           Player   Tm  Year     id
2   22  60      Ratko Varda  TOT  2001  13950
0   27   6    Cedric Hunter  CHH  1991   2967
4   31  81  Adrian Caldwell  DAL  1997   6169
3   34  52       Ryan Bowen  OKC  2009   6141
1   25   7    Maurice Baker  VAN  2004   5335
Fierce Fox

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