“baza danych klonów MongoDB” Kod odpowiedzi

Baza danych klonów MongoDB na maszynę lokalną

# Dump remote database to a local folder
mongodump --uri "mongodb+srv://username:password@host/mydb" --out ./myfolder

# Restore the database from the folder to localhost
mongorestore --port 27017 ./myfolder

# (Restore back to the remote)
mongorestore --host=example.com --port=27017 -u username -p password --db mydb ./myFolder

baza danych klonów MongoDB

# Dump db to a local folder
mongodump mongodb://user:pwd@localhost/old_name -o ./dump 

# Restore the db with the new name
mongorestore mongodb://user:pwd@localhost -d new_name ./dump/old_name

# Try this flag if you get an authentication error
--authenticationDatabase admin

Baza danych kopii Mongo

Before MongoDB version 4.2

After MongoDB version 4.2
mongodump --archive="mongodump-source-db" --db=source_db
mongorestore --archive="mongodump-source-db" --nsFrom='source_db.*' --nsTo='destination_db.*'


mongodump --archive --db=source_db | mongorestore --archive  --nsFrom='source_db.*' --nsTo='destination_db.*'
Lucky Lobster

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