“głębokość klonu git” Kod odpowiedzi

głębokość klonu git

$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/dogescript/xxxxxxx.git
$ git remote set-branches origin 'remote_branch_name'
$ git fetch --depth 1 origin remote_branch_name
$ git checkout remote_branch_name
Precious Peacock

płytki klon

How to Execute Git Shallow Clone
Provide an argument of -- depth 1 to the git clone command to copy only the latest revision of a repo:

git clone -–depth [depth] [remote-url]

You can also use git shallow clone to access a single branch:

git clone [remote-url] --branch [name] --single-branch [folder]

With git shallow clone you get fewer files. And as a result, they clone faster. Builds and feedback can be delivered quicker.
Nice Newt

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