“Funkcja reactript React rekwizyty Coponent” Kod odpowiedzi

Funkcja reactript React rekwizyty Coponent

interface Props {
  foo: string,
  bar: boolean

const MyReactComponent: React.FC<Props> = (Props) => {
	//Insert logic here


const MyReactComponent: React.FC<Props> = ({foo, bar}) => {
	//Insert logic here

Daniel Kristoffersen

Funkcja reactript React rekwizyty Coponent

// Declaring type of props - see "Typing Component Props" for more examples
type AppProps = {
  message: string;
}; /* use `interface` if exporting so that consumers can extend */

// Easiest way to declare a Function Component; return type is inferred.
const App = ({ message }: AppProps) => <div>{message}</div>;

// you can choose annotate the return type so an error is raised if you accidentally return some other type
const App = ({ message }: AppProps): JSX.Element => <div>{message}</div>;

// you can also inline the type declaration; eliminates naming the prop types, but looks repetitive
const App = ({ message }: { message: string }) => <div>{message}</div>;
Daniel Kristoffersen

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