“Kryteria wejścia i wyjścia do testowania” Kod odpowiedzi

kryteria wejścia vs kryteria wyjścia

Entry criteria are the criteria or requirements,
which must be met before initiating
a specific task or a process. 

Exit criteria The conditions that must 
be met before testing should be concluded.
Obedient Ocelot

Kryteria wejścia i wyjścia do testowania

Entry criteria – It is a process that should run when a
system begins. It includes the following artifacts.
SRS (Software Requirement Specification)
FRS (Functional Requirement Specification)
Test strategy
Exit Criteria – It signals when the testing should complete
and when should the product be ready to release. It includes
the following artifacts.
Test Summary ReportMetrics
Defect Analysis report

kryteria wejścia

Entry criteria are the criteria or requirements,
which must be met before initiating
a specific task or a process. 
Obedient Ocelot

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