Lokalizacja nagłówka PHP
// This will just redirect you to example.com
header("Location: https://example.com");
Bored Beaver
// This will just redirect you to example.com
header("Location: https://example.com");
// This will just redirect you to example.com
$url = "https://example.com";
header("Location: $url");
This will redirect to facebook.com
$url = "https://facebook.com.com";
header("Location: $url");
This will just redirect you to example.com
$url = "https://example.com";
header("Location: $url");
/* I hope it will help you. Namaste */
// This will redirect to google.com
$url = "https://google.com";
header("Location: $url");
header( "refresh:5;url=wherever.php" );