“Linux między zmiennymi subshell” Kod odpowiedzi

Linux między zmiennymi subshell

One way:

FOO=bar sh -c 'first && second'

FOO=bar BAZ=quux sh -c 'first && second'

Another way to do this is to create the variable and export it inside a subshell. Doing the export inside the subshell ensures that the outer shell does not get the variable in its environment:

( export FOO=bar; first && second )

Linux między zmiennymi subshell

One way:

FOO=bar sh -c 'first && second'

FOO=bar BAZ=quux sh -c 'first && second'

Another way to do this is to create the variable and export it inside a subshell. Doing the export inside the subshell ensures that the outer shell does not get the variable in its environment:

( export FOO=bar; first && second )

Linux między zmiennymi subshell

One way:

FOO=bar sh -c 'first && second'

FOO=bar BAZ=quux sh -c 'first && second'

Another way to do this is to create the variable and export it inside a subshell. Doing the export inside the subshell ensures that the outer shell does not get the variable in its environment:

( export FOO=bar; first && second )

Linux między zmiennymi subshell

One way:

FOO=bar sh -c 'first && second'

FOO=bar BAZ=quux sh -c 'first && second'

Another way to do this is to create the variable and export it inside a subshell. Doing the export inside the subshell ensures that the outer shell does not get the variable in its environment:

( export FOO=bar; first && second )

Linux między zmiennymi subshell

One way:

FOO=bar sh -c 'first && second'

FOO=bar BAZ=quux sh -c 'first && second'

Another way to do this is to create the variable and export it inside a subshell. Doing the export inside the subshell ensures that the outer shell does not get the variable in its environment:

( export FOO=bar; first && second )

Linux między zmiennymi subshell

One way:

FOO=bar sh -c 'first && second'

FOO=bar BAZ=quux sh -c 'first && second'

Another way to do this is to create the variable and export it inside a subshell. Doing the export inside the subshell ensures that the outer shell does not get the variable in its environment:

( export FOO=bar; first && second )

Linux między zmiennymi subshell

One way:

FOO=bar sh -c 'first && second'

FOO=bar BAZ=quux sh -c 'first && second'

Another way to do this is to create the variable and export it inside a subshell. Doing the export inside the subshell ensures that the outer shell does not get the variable in its environment:

( export FOO=bar; first && second )

Linux między zmiennymi subshell

One way:

FOO=bar sh -c 'first && second'

FOO=bar BAZ=quux sh -c 'first && second'

Another way to do this is to create the variable and export it inside a subshell. Doing the export inside the subshell ensures that the outer shell does not get the variable in its environment:

( export FOO=bar; first && second )

Linux między zmiennymi subshell

One way:

FOO=bar sh -c 'first && second'

FOO=bar BAZ=quux sh -c 'first && second'

Another way to do this is to create the variable and export it inside a subshell. Doing the export inside the subshell ensures that the outer shell does not get the variable in its environment:

( export FOO=bar; first && second )

Linux między zmiennymi subshell

One way:

FOO=bar sh -c 'first && second'

FOO=bar BAZ=quux sh -c 'first && second'

Another way to do this is to create the variable and export it inside a subshell. Doing the export inside the subshell ensures that the outer shell does not get the variable in its environment:

( export FOO=bar; first && second )

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