“Linux wykonuje sh” Kod odpowiedzi

Jak uruchomić plik SH w terminalu

# if not already ran, run to change permisions executable.
chmod 755 foo.sh

# then to run the sh file
Unusual Unicorn

Jak uruchomić skrypt powłoki

#!/bin/bash (1st line inside yourfile.sh)

to run

if you do not include that line
bash yourfile.sh
Hutch Polecat

Linux wykonuje sh


then in terminal
chmod +x <filename>

Jak wykonać plik .sh w Linux

./script-name-here.sh #Chage the "script-name-here" to the name of the .sh file.
Grepper Creeper

Jak uruchomić skrypt powłoki

bash yourfile.sh
Hutch Polecat

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