“Usuń pliki Gitignore” Kod odpowiedzi

Usuń pliki w plikach .gitignore

# First solution
$ git rm -r --cached . # We remove
$ git add . # We stage
$ git commit -m "Clean up ignored files" # We commit

# Second solution : if you have a lot of files
# It's basicaly the first solution in one line
git rm --cached `git ls-files -i -c --exclude-from=.gitignore`

# If you are on Windows and the line above didn't work, try this one in Powershell
git ls-files -i -c --exclude-from=.gitignore | %{git rm --cached $_}

git ignoruj ​​wciąż śledzenie

git rm --cached <file>

git rm -r --cached <folder>
Gorgeous Goldfinch

git ignoruj ​​usuń

git rm -r --cached .
git add .
git commit -m "Removing all files in .gitignore"

Git Usuń wszystkie pliki z Gitignore

git ls-files -i --exclude-from=.gitignore | %{git rm --cached $_}

// works with windows powershell
Cold Shower Coding

Pliki Untrack Github

git rm -r --cached .
Jittery Jaguar

Usuń pliki Gitignore

git ls-files --ignored --exclude-standard -z | xargs -0 git rm --cached
git commit -am "Remove ignored files"

// answer from: thSoft
Hurt Hummingbird

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