“Usuń tag git” Kod odpowiedzi

Git Usuń tag

git tag -d <tag_name>
git push --delete origin tagname

Usuń tag git

# First pull all remote tags locally
git pull --tags
# Then remove tags from remote first
git tag | grep -v v0.1.[0-9] | xargs -n 1 git push --delete origin
# Then remove locally
git tag | grep -v v0.1.[0-9] | xargs git tag -d

# If removing multiple, use grep to control what will be removed
# These commands make use of xargs which is a unix command. 
#     On windows, use git-bash to execute the same commands
Muddy Moose

git usuń tag

git tag -d v<tag version>

GIR Usuń tag

git tag -d <tag_name>
David Diamant

git usuń tag

git diff -- . ':(exclude)db/irrelevant.php' ':(exclude)db/irrelevant2.php'
Spotless Swan

Usuń tag git

git tag -d tagName
Indonesia People

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