“Margines początkowy CSS” Kod odpowiedzi

margines CSS

/* Apply to all four sides */
margin: 1em;
margin: -3px;

/* vertical | horizontal */
margin: 5% auto;

/* top | horizontal | bottom */
margin: 1em auto 2em; 

/* top | right | bottom | left */
margin: 2px 1em 0 auto;

/* Global values */
margin: inherit;
margin: initial;
margin: unset;
Blacksmith Plover

Margines początkowy CSS

/* Apply to all four sides */
margin: 1em;
margin: -3px;

/* vertical | horizontal */
margin: 5% auto;

/* top | horizontal | bottom */
margin: 1em auto 2em;

/* top | right | bottom | left */
margin: 2px 1em 0 auto;

/* Global values */
margin: inherit;
margin: initial;
margin: revert;
margin: unset;
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Energetic Echidna

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