“Ubuntu Startup Run jako usługa demon” Kod odpowiedzi

Ubuntu Startup Run jako usługa demon

#Use systemctl command to start the service on boot. For example:
$ sudo systemctl enable apache2

#Alternatively, if you also wish to enable and start the service at the same time you may execute:
$ sudo systemctl enable --now apache2

#Once the service is enabled to start on boot you confirm its status once again by:
$ sudo systemctl status apache2

#To disable service to start on boot use systemctl command again. For example:
$ sudo systemctl disable apache2

Ubuntu Startup Run jako usługa demon

sudo update-rc.d minidlna defaults
#This should add the service to the automatic startup system. But if you get:

System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/minidlna already exist.
#Do the command

sudo update-rc.d minidlna enable

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