“SetState TypeScript Typ” Kod odpowiedzi

SetState TypeScript Typ

//Change string for the desired type
Exuberant Eland

Wpisz Usestate TypeScript

interface Provider {
  connected: boolean;
  type: string;
const [wearablesList, setWearablesList] = useState<Provider[]>([]);
Faithful Fish

Typincript Typ dla funkcji setState

//just define function with below
setValue : React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<string>>
  //example for boolean
  const ListsComponents: React.FC<{ setOpen?: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>> }> = ({ setOpen }) => {
  const [currentSection, setCurrentSection] = useState<'home' | 'mint' | 'myNft' | 'roadmap'>('home');
  return (
    <div> Just demo<div/>
Shirshak kandel

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