“Link WhatsApp HTML” Kod odpowiedzi

Jak zrobić hiperłącze WhatsApp HTML

<!-- Try this link "formula" out :) -->

<a href="https://wa.me/<number>" target="_blank">Link Text Here</a>

<!-- where the <number> is a full phone number in international format. Omit any zeroes, brackets, or dashes when adding the phone number in international format. -->

Link WhatsApp

<!--just telephone number-->

<!--Telephone with message-->

Otwórz WhatsApp Html

<a href="https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=917021525474">Contact us on 888-219-2787</a>

Link URL WhatsApp

# Direct URL

Tiago F2

Link WhatsApp HTML

// Create your own link
// Use https://wa.me/<number> where the <number> is a full phone number in international format. Omit any zeroes, brackets, or dashes when adding the phone number in international format.

// Examples:

// Use: https://wa.me/1XXXXXXXXXX

// Don't use: https://wa.me/+001-(XXX)XXXXXXX

<a href="https://wa.me/<number>" target="_blank">Link Text Here</a>
Terrible Tern

WhatsApp Href Link kod

Amin Arjmand

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