“Wzór TS Singleton” Kod odpowiedzi

Wzór TS Singleton

class Singleton {
  private static instance: Singleton;

  private constructor() {}

  public static getInstance(): Singleton {
    if (!Singleton.instance) {
      Singleton.instance = new Singleton();
    return Singleton.instance;

const singleton = Singleton.getInstance();
Puzzled Puffin

Singleton Design Pattern Typecript

class Person {
	private static instance: Person

	private constructor() {}

	public static getInstance(): Person {
		if (!Person.instance) {
			Person.instance = new Person()
		return Person.instance

	public name(name: string): string {
		return name

	public age(age: number): number {
		return age

	public hobby(hobby: string): string {
		return hobby

const res: Person = Person.getInstance()

console.log(`My name is ${res.name('john doe')} and My age is ${res.age(30)} and My hobby is ${res.hobby('programming')}`)
Restu Wahyu Saputra

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