“Java stenfrand, jeśli” Kod odpowiedzi

Java jedna linia, jeśli jeszcze

statement ? true 	: 	false
  ^		  |	 ^			  ^
condition |   (instruction)
  		  |  If the statement:  
  		  |	is true | is false
int i = 10;

String out = i > 8 ? "Bigger than Eight!" : "Smaller than Eight!";

Java stenfrand, jeśli

//Clear example with good readabilty
String var = "Text";
String shortHand = (var.equals("Text") ? "Returns this if true" : "Returns this if false");

//Other example that is less readable
int var = 9;
int shortHand = var == 9 ? 1 : var++;

//Pseudo code
// CONDITION ? returns when true : returns when false

Java stenfrand, jeśli

name = ((city.getName() == null) ? "N/A" : city.getName());

Nervous Nightingale

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