Zakres kalendarza Java
MILLISECOND is the number of milliseconds between 0 and 999
SECOND is the number of seconds between 0 and 59
MINUTE is the number of minutes between 0 and 59
HOUR is the number of hours between 0 and 11
HOUR_OF_DAY is the number of hours between 0 and 23
DAY_OF_WEEK is the day in relation of the week between 1 and 7
DAY_OF_MONTH is the day in relation of the month between 1 and 31
DAY_OF_YEAR is the day in relation of the year between 1 and 366
WEEK_OF_MONTH is the week in relation of the month starting from 1
WEEK_OF_YEAR is the week in relation of the year starting from 1
MONTH is the month in relation of the year between 0 and 11
YEAR is the number of years starting from 1
Ghaith Alzin