“Przykład dziedziczenia Java” Kod odpowiedzi

Dziedziczenie Java

public class Sample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dog dog = new Dog();
        Cat cat = new Cat();
        Duck duck = new Duck();

class Animal {
    private String sound = "anything";

    public void setSound(String sound) {
        this.sound = sound;

    public String getSound() {
        return sound;

class Dog extends Animal {
    private String sound = "Aw aw";

    public String getSound() {
        return sound;

class Cat extends Animal {
    private String sound = "Meow meow";

    public String getSound() {
        return sound;

class Duck extends Animal {
    private String sound = "Quack Quack";

    public String getSound() {
        return sound;
Fernandez, Jasmine M.

Co to jest dziedzictwo w Javie

Inheritance is the mechanism where the object of one class acquires the property of the object of another class.
Disturbed Dog

Dziedzictwo w Javie

Inheritance in Java is a mechanism in which one object acquires 
all the properties and behaviors of a parent object.
It is an important part of OOPs (Object Oriented programming system).
Gentle Goat

Dziedzictwo w Javie

Java Inheritance (Subclass and Superclass)
In Java, it is possible to inherit attributes and methods from one class to another. We group the "inheritance concept" into two categories:

subclass (child) - the class that inherits from another class
superclass (parent) - the class being inherited from
To inherit from a class, use the extends keyword.

Przykład dziedziczenia Java

public class Parent
  //methods and constructors 

public class Child extends Parent
	//inherits methods from Parent class
Christina Zhang

Dziedzictwo w Javie

Super class:
public class Multi(){
Sub class:
public class Multiplication extends Maltil(){
Outrageous Ostrich

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