“Zmienne standardy kodowania Java” Kod odpowiedzi

Zmienne standardy kodowania Java

1) Variable names should start with small letters.
2) Variable names should be nouns
3) Short meaningful names are recommended.
4) If there are multiple words every innerword should start with Uppecase 
Ex : string,value,empName,empSalary
Thankful Tuatara

Standardy kodowania Java dla metod

1) Method names should start with small letters.
2) Method names are usually verbs
3) If method contains multiple words, every inner word should start with 
uppercase letter.
Ex : toString()
4) Method name must be combination of verb and noun
Ex : getCarName(),getCarNumber()
Thankful Tuatara

Standardy kodowania Java dla interfejsów

1) Interface should start with uppercase letters
2) Interfaces names should be adjectives
Example : Runnable, Serializable, Marker, Cloneable
Thankful Tuatara

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